A JOURNEY TAKEN TOGETHER…Whether you are launching a brand, new service, product, campaign, movement, or everything all at once, let’s partner up crafting that grand plan. Together we will unearth new ways of thinking and creating, tonifying strengths and talents, and empowering a higher level of differentiating storytelling, experiences and results making.
Your brand / movement will need grand plans and a distinct personality and you owe it to yourself and others to discover and define your truth. In this life, we all will be known by our ability to live our truth. No matter how clever or delightful our brand expressions may appear, without uncovering and communicating from our true selves, we shortchange both ourselves and our audience. Let’s remove all the distracting jargon, decorations and the puffery of who we think we need to be and unearth our true authenticity and higher purpose. Let’s create the strategies that will reveal the truth and develop the messages and meaning of that truth.

Why make anything new or different? Perhaps because we know that leaps in evolution have always required the courage to stick our necks out, to invite in new influences, and make changes that enable us to step up. Let’s blow up the status quo and the world of micro adjustments and answer the evolutionary call for something greater. Let's build our products, services, and experiences to change the way we think and behave. Let’s craft a shared, useful, and more prosperous reality so that we can say… “A future I dreamed to see is at my fingertips now”.

Ever look at the marketing collateral around you and feel it’s simply not fully capturing the spirit and values of the brand? All that hard work of striving to “know thyself” through countless meetings, consults, and tests has led to more confusion and no true clarity. You ask yourself… “Why are the logos, powerpoints, social posts, videos, infographics, and more, not mirroring our unique, natural and awesome voice?” Let’s change tactics, let’s embody the true artist within that thrives on craft, beauty, and truth. Let’s answer the call to create and proudly showcase our distinct tangible personality, impact, and purpose. We can, and we absolutely must, go beyond the all-too-expected known to become compelling, unique, and memorable. It is time to honor and embrace what the Greeks philosopher’s so valued…the True, the Good and the Beautiful.

Your unfolding odyssey is deeply compelling but are others feeling truly captivated by it? Somewhere deep inside your story, beyond the walls of staged anecdote and jargon, is a shining key to your true story. This key is a gift for you and your audience. They may not know it but your audience has been yearning for it to unlock a new perspective, wisdom or insight. At the same time, perhaps you have yearned to be seen, acknowledged and better understood. Powerful stories by their very nature shed light and bring meaning from the wilds of the unknown and, in turn, shape our future and culture. Let’s tell our story and let’s tell other’s stories in a fresh, imaginative and compelling way. Let’s drop the narcissism of “Look at me, Look at me” messaging and give the world a story that will engage and captivate. Let’s reward the world with transformative stories that enlighten and provide a sense of enriched wonder.

Why should we tell great stories, deliver useful tools and create beauty if we keep it to ourselves and not let others create with us, teach us, and share the joy? When brands feel like they are merely brochures and billboards, without actually connecting to people in a tangible way, our audience could think… “cool brand but it feels as if they are distant, unreachable and not relevant to our reality” If we long to have something grand to say and give, so does our audience. The people who adopt your wisdom and gifts want to feel like they are apart of a relationship and are excited to give the same back. Humans have a deep need to belong and contribute. When we open our doors of reciprocity, providing rich meaningful experiences, we open all to share and experience the opportunity to contribute their gifts, enjoying a deeper sense of owned accomplishment and belonging.
You wouldn't stop watering an apple tree after the first sign of bearing fruit, right? Our brand, stories, campaigns, designs, services, products, and engagements are no different. They need to be continually nurtured and cared for. Let’s ask ourselves—What have we learned from both our tiny and epic efforts? How can we use our learning to infuse more life into ourselves and our new adventures? Addressing these two simple questions can make the difference between simply sustaining for a short time or turning potential into evolving worlds of prosperity. Our entire experience heals and thrives based on the love and care we put into it. When we demonstrate deep devotion, consciousness, creativity, and empathy to our projects, people and planet — we belong, we are useful, we are meaningful, and our journey is richly rewarding.


Drew combines his deep experience with a dash of amazing to bring your visions to life. With over 12 years in top branding and innovation firms, his outputs are truly multimedia, from billboards, fine art, and videos, to amusement park rides and sneakers, all based on a profound understanding of today’s marketplace of products and ideas. But what he really loves to do is tell stories. By applying his unique approach to “method branding” he lives, eats and breathes your brand to help create breakthroughs in how you tell your story so others will not only listen but participate, and ask for more. In addition to partnering on many game-changing branding engagements, he creates complex and rich illustrations, designs interactive games, thought-provoking business cards/collateral and art directs everything from videos to musical soundtracks. After getting his BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and spending a beloved decade in Brooklyn, this San Francisco native enjoys being back in the foggy landscape that helped shape him.
Written by: Amy Hartzler / Partner at Do Good Better

You know what would be cool? If we connected and then could say to each other “where have you been all my life?”
I’m always excited to meet new passionate folks eager to exchange big ideas, meaningful experiences and new rewarding realities. Don’t be shy and come at me!
Cheers, :Drew
Tel: 718-986-9515